Sunday, February 19, 2012

One month

Thursday marked one month since starting this journey. One. whole. month. It really did fly by, and I know as long as I keep my head in the game, it will continue to do so. I did quite a bit of reflecting, and a little bit of crying on that day. In one month I've lost 26 pounds and 17.5 inches (which actually is more, but I only measure one side of my body). I've gone down 2 sizes. My knees don't hurt anymore. I don't pee myself when I laugh or cough. My back feels much better. I'm happier. I like shopping again. I do my hair and make-up and put on nice clothes almost every day. My self confidence is coming back. I'm more outgoing in social situations. I have more energy. I want to go do things. The list goes on and on. Basically, I'm a completely different person than I was a month ago, and obviously they are good changes. If this is what 26 pounds does to me...I can't imagine what it's going to be like when the rest of it is gone!

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