Thursday, March 29, 2012


Onederland. I'm here, baby! My weight has not started with a 1 for YEARS. The last time it did was about 5 years ago, and it was pretty brief! I'm stoked to be in the 100s again. I actually hit it on Tuesday when the whoosh fairy visited me, but I was very cautious about getting excited. My weight has been kind of yo-yoing I'd lose 2-3, then it would come right back...then a day or 2 later it would be gone for good. Didn't happen this time, but I was worried it would. Since this morning was my weigh in, I decided I can go ahead and make it official! :)

Monday, March 26, 2012


Long time, no blog. So much for once a week. Unfortunately, life got in the way. Fortunately, life has calmed down again, so perhaps I can get back to this blog!

Things have been going well on IP. My weight loss has slowed a bit, but so far, I'm okay with it. I get on the scale way too much. I know I need to stay off, but I can't! My weight is starting to really yo-yo and can fluctuate 2-3 pounds in one day. It's weird. I've done this on every other diet I've been on, but this time, the flucuations usually disappear after a day or two, and I'll stay down. I know I'm still losing, because I'm losing 3-4 inches a week. As long as that keeps happening, and  my clothes keep getting looser, I'm cool with it.

My coach has been talking a lot about putting me on the alternative program for a week or two. At first it sounded good, then I found my motivation again and decided against it. Now it's starting to sound good again. I'm starting to get sick of the IP foods, and find myself choking them down. I also think maybe if I did the alternative program for at least a week, it would jump start my body back into the losses I'm used to. I still haven't made a decision, so any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas would be appreciated! I only have 30 pounds to go, but it seems like it's taking FOREVER.

I've had a few accomplishments since the last time I posted. The biggest is that my coach wants to feature me in the Ideal Protein newsletter. Since I'm doing the online program, she doesn't ever get to see me, so I e-mailed her a before/after picture (with clothes on!) and she was very impressed with it. It felt really good to hear how impressed she is with my progress. I've also gone down another size, and can now shop in junior sizes. I've also bought a couple new shirts, and had to buy them in a size large. I've never worn a size large shirt, so that feels really good! My oldest daughter also gave me a huge compliment...I was putting my pajamas on, and she was in the room with me. I was standing there in my sports bra and pj bottoms, and she said, "Wow're getting so TINY and look good!" Mind you, she's six...and I'm hardly tiny....but I loved hearing this out of my girl's mouth. It was the biggest compliment I've gotten especially since kids are brutally honest most of the time!

I was hoping to be phasing off about the middle of April. Obviously, this isn't going to happen, so now I'm hoping to be done by June.  I need a new swimming suit, so that's my new motivation as I'm scared to buy one now since I still want to lose 30 pounds.

Hope you all out in cyber world are doing well, also!

This is the photo I sent my coach. Excuse my clothing in the far left picture...I don't normally wear jumper dresses with turtle necks...this outfit was for an ugly Christmas sweater contest! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Pictures

The photos on the left were taken on January 15th, 2012. The photos on the right were taken today, March 7, 2012. The change over 50 days on Ideal Protein.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I've had a couple people ask me how I make my bread out of the soup packets. Here's how I do it:

2 egg whites
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 soup packet (I've only tried broccoli cheese, but have tomato basil to try as well)
Enough water to be able to mix shouldn't be runny, but should be a thick batter. (probably about 2 oz of water)

Mix it all together and cook it on a waffle iron! I have a big one, so i cut the waffle in half, and have to sides to my sandwich.

I can't take credit for this, I saw it online somewhere...but I can't remember where! Anyway, in my opinion, it is the ONLY way to consume the soup packets. I'm not a fan of them!


Hello peeps. I'm still going strong on IP, but it's not been easy. Last week was REALLY HARD. I was grouchy, craving everything, and really wanting to eat "normal" food. I wasn't asking for much...a sub sandwich, or a bun with my burger, or a banana, or a piece of toast...anything with bread, really. I persevered and did not cheat, and now I'm glad I did. That phase is over, and I feel great again. The picture in the post below really helped me get through the rough times last week...I looked at it 592 times (I'm guessing...haha!).

This past weekend my husband I went to a nearby city and went thrift store shopping. I finally found a pair of khaki pants at a quaint little second hand store downtown, so the old, big ones are going to be tucked away. I've decided to keep them as a reminder of what I used to be. When I feel discouraged, I'm going to put those pants on.

I seem to be going through a shrinking phase again. I'm going through clothes like crazy. The khaki pants I bought at the second hand store were a little snug for me last weekend when I bought them, but still wearable. I put them on for work yesterday, and they fit PERFECT! The kicker...they are a size 14! (I was a size 20 when I started this diet). I also have a pair of pants in my closet that I bought on clearance a few weeks back. I could not button them. I tried them on last night, and they fit as well! Size 15/16 in JUNIORS! Same story with a pair of jeans I bought from a gal here in town. It's funny, because I've tried these clothes on at least once a week since I've had them, and they absolutely were too small...and almost overnight, they fit. Now I'm worried because I have a pair of 16 pants that I paid full price for out of necessity. I've worn them once and now I'm afraid they are going to be too big. Oh well...small price to pay!

After my weigh-in yesterday, I figured up my BMI. I'm no longer in the obese category. I'm extremely excited about this. I think the last time I was in the overweight category was probably in 2006 after I lost the weight from my first child (which I obviously gained back!)

That's about all for now. I'm hoping this weekend to take some pictures. I'd like to see the transformation. I know I look good, but I want all of you readers to know it as well! :)