Thursday, April 5, 2012


Weigh in day today. I was down 0 pounds for the first time since starting, but it's okay because I am down 2.5 inches. As long as I keep losing inches and can tell a difference in my body, I'm okay with small losses. I also know since I only have 27 pounds left to lose, my losses will get smaller.

Found out I have to have surgery the end of April. I'm worried about it. I have no intention of phasing off, but I have concerns about constipation and nausea with pain meds. However, being this close to goal, I am determined to make it through with flying colors. I almost waited for the surgery until after I'm finished with the diet, but I am miserable and don't want to wait any longer than I have to. I feel this surgery is going to fix a lot of problems I've been having, and will help with my yo-yo weight losses/gains I've been having lately. Either way, both the diet and the surgery need to happen...and if it means I have to do them at the same time, then so be it!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Onederland. I'm here, baby! My weight has not started with a 1 for YEARS. The last time it did was about 5 years ago, and it was pretty brief! I'm stoked to be in the 100s again. I actually hit it on Tuesday when the whoosh fairy visited me, but I was very cautious about getting excited. My weight has been kind of yo-yoing I'd lose 2-3, then it would come right back...then a day or 2 later it would be gone for good. Didn't happen this time, but I was worried it would. Since this morning was my weigh in, I decided I can go ahead and make it official! :)

Monday, March 26, 2012


Long time, no blog. So much for once a week. Unfortunately, life got in the way. Fortunately, life has calmed down again, so perhaps I can get back to this blog!

Things have been going well on IP. My weight loss has slowed a bit, but so far, I'm okay with it. I get on the scale way too much. I know I need to stay off, but I can't! My weight is starting to really yo-yo and can fluctuate 2-3 pounds in one day. It's weird. I've done this on every other diet I've been on, but this time, the flucuations usually disappear after a day or two, and I'll stay down. I know I'm still losing, because I'm losing 3-4 inches a week. As long as that keeps happening, and  my clothes keep getting looser, I'm cool with it.

My coach has been talking a lot about putting me on the alternative program for a week or two. At first it sounded good, then I found my motivation again and decided against it. Now it's starting to sound good again. I'm starting to get sick of the IP foods, and find myself choking them down. I also think maybe if I did the alternative program for at least a week, it would jump start my body back into the losses I'm used to. I still haven't made a decision, so any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas would be appreciated! I only have 30 pounds to go, but it seems like it's taking FOREVER.

I've had a few accomplishments since the last time I posted. The biggest is that my coach wants to feature me in the Ideal Protein newsletter. Since I'm doing the online program, she doesn't ever get to see me, so I e-mailed her a before/after picture (with clothes on!) and she was very impressed with it. It felt really good to hear how impressed she is with my progress. I've also gone down another size, and can now shop in junior sizes. I've also bought a couple new shirts, and had to buy them in a size large. I've never worn a size large shirt, so that feels really good! My oldest daughter also gave me a huge compliment...I was putting my pajamas on, and she was in the room with me. I was standing there in my sports bra and pj bottoms, and she said, "Wow're getting so TINY and look good!" Mind you, she's six...and I'm hardly tiny....but I loved hearing this out of my girl's mouth. It was the biggest compliment I've gotten especially since kids are brutally honest most of the time!

I was hoping to be phasing off about the middle of April. Obviously, this isn't going to happen, so now I'm hoping to be done by June.  I need a new swimming suit, so that's my new motivation as I'm scared to buy one now since I still want to lose 30 pounds.

Hope you all out in cyber world are doing well, also!

This is the photo I sent my coach. Excuse my clothing in the far left picture...I don't normally wear jumper dresses with turtle necks...this outfit was for an ugly Christmas sweater contest! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Pictures

The photos on the left were taken on January 15th, 2012. The photos on the right were taken today, March 7, 2012. The change over 50 days on Ideal Protein.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I've had a couple people ask me how I make my bread out of the soup packets. Here's how I do it:

2 egg whites
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 soup packet (I've only tried broccoli cheese, but have tomato basil to try as well)
Enough water to be able to mix shouldn't be runny, but should be a thick batter. (probably about 2 oz of water)

Mix it all together and cook it on a waffle iron! I have a big one, so i cut the waffle in half, and have to sides to my sandwich.

I can't take credit for this, I saw it online somewhere...but I can't remember where! Anyway, in my opinion, it is the ONLY way to consume the soup packets. I'm not a fan of them!


Hello peeps. I'm still going strong on IP, but it's not been easy. Last week was REALLY HARD. I was grouchy, craving everything, and really wanting to eat "normal" food. I wasn't asking for much...a sub sandwich, or a bun with my burger, or a banana, or a piece of toast...anything with bread, really. I persevered and did not cheat, and now I'm glad I did. That phase is over, and I feel great again. The picture in the post below really helped me get through the rough times last week...I looked at it 592 times (I'm guessing...haha!).

This past weekend my husband I went to a nearby city and went thrift store shopping. I finally found a pair of khaki pants at a quaint little second hand store downtown, so the old, big ones are going to be tucked away. I've decided to keep them as a reminder of what I used to be. When I feel discouraged, I'm going to put those pants on.

I seem to be going through a shrinking phase again. I'm going through clothes like crazy. The khaki pants I bought at the second hand store were a little snug for me last weekend when I bought them, but still wearable. I put them on for work yesterday, and they fit PERFECT! The kicker...they are a size 14! (I was a size 20 when I started this diet). I also have a pair of pants in my closet that I bought on clearance a few weeks back. I could not button them. I tried them on last night, and they fit as well! Size 15/16 in JUNIORS! Same story with a pair of jeans I bought from a gal here in town. It's funny, because I've tried these clothes on at least once a week since I've had them, and they absolutely were too small...and almost overnight, they fit. Now I'm worried because I have a pair of 16 pants that I paid full price for out of necessity. I've worn them once and now I'm afraid they are going to be too big. Oh well...small price to pay!

After my weigh-in yesterday, I figured up my BMI. I'm no longer in the obese category. I'm extremely excited about this. I think the last time I was in the overweight category was probably in 2006 after I lost the weight from my first child (which I obviously gained back!)

That's about all for now. I'm hoping this weekend to take some pictures. I'd like to see the transformation. I know I look good, but I want all of you readers to know it as well! :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


It's hard to believe that when I started the diet, these exact same pants were too small for me. I nearly bust the back end out trying to put them on. I think I should star in the Ideal Protein infomercial wearing these pants! (and taking your own picture doesn't help either....they're really, really baggy...even though it's kind of hard to tell!)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

One month

Thursday marked one month since starting this journey. One. whole. month. It really did fly by, and I know as long as I keep my head in the game, it will continue to do so. I did quite a bit of reflecting, and a little bit of crying on that day. In one month I've lost 26 pounds and 17.5 inches (which actually is more, but I only measure one side of my body). I've gone down 2 sizes. My knees don't hurt anymore. I don't pee myself when I laugh or cough. My back feels much better. I'm happier. I like shopping again. I do my hair and make-up and put on nice clothes almost every day. My self confidence is coming back. I'm more outgoing in social situations. I have more energy. I want to go do things. The list goes on and on. Basically, I'm a completely different person than I was a month ago, and obviously they are good changes. If this is what 26 pounds does to me...I can't imagine what it's going to be like when the rest of it is gone!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 29 - Absence, Goals, and Parties

Woah, a bit of a hiatus. Sorry about that, I guess sometimes life gets in the way. I've been following IP 100%, and I have to admit, I'm PROUD! Officially I'm down 23.5 pounds as of my last weigh in, unofficially it's 27. I had a little goal to be down 20 pounds by Feb. 11. I accomplished that goal, and then some. My very sweet husband came home from work the day I realized I surpassed my goal, and made me get on the scale. After the drama of me stepping on, he handed me a gift card to my favorite store and told me to go shopping. I went (duh!) and, in my true shopping ways, scoped out the clearance. I was able to find a pair of jeans and 2 shirts for $18. I love clearance racks. I must also mention that the jeans are SKINNY JEANS! Before Christmas, I probably tried on 30 pairs, and they looked awful. However...when you're nearly 30 pounds lighter, they certainly look better. I'm pretty much obsessed with wearing them. I feel incredibly good in them.

I had a goal for Feb. 11 and the reason being is that we went to a birthday party that night, and I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen for a long time, and some friends that hadn't seen me since I started the diet. No comments, but I know people could tell. I KNOW I look different. I was worried about this party. It was at a bar...with a lot of alcohol consumption, and I honestly didn't know if I could be around it and not partake in the festivities. willpower, motivation, and desire to get my Valentine's day present early won out, and I made it through the entire night without consuming a single drop of alcohol. It feels great to know that I can make it through anything!

Last night we bowled, and our partners hadn't seen us since before Christmas due to vacations, sick kids, etc. I relished in the comments and compliments and questions the wife had for me. She kept staring at me and saying, "You look great!" I'm so glad there are people out there who aren't afraid to say things like that. Even though I KNOW I look different and better, sometimes it's just nice to know that someone other than your husband notices. I associate with a lot of people who will not say a word, and that's fine too. I also associate with negative people who will say things like, "Yeah, you're taking it off, but will you be able to keep it off? That's the hard part." Sometimes, I just smile and nod, and it doesn't bother me. Other times I freak out on the inside and have all snorts of snide comments that I want to throw back at them. Here are some examples:
1. Oh really, if this is the easy part, then why don't YOU do it, and lose the 100 pounds you need to lose.
2. I don't plan on keeping it off. I enjoy torturing myself, so I'm going to get the weight off, then eat as much as I can to put it back on. (Sarcastic, obviously).
3. I think I know what I need to do to maintain my weight loss, and I'm not asking any tips from you because it's fairly obvious that you don't know the right things to eat.
4. Why don't you let ME worry about maintenance, you worry about yourself.

I know, most of them are MEAN, but well....I don't need lectures right now and it bothers me. Most of the time I just smile, nod my head, and say that I'm being taught how to eat right when I'm off the diet, and that I'm not worried. I explain that I have committed myself to a lifestyle change, and that I'm not going through this for nothing, and that I never want to go through it again. Some people....

I guess that's all for now. Hopefully there won't be anymore long absences. I would love to say I'll blog everyday, but really my goal is 2-3 times a week. I was stupid to think I could blog everyday. I have too much to do, and frankly, don't have much to say everyday!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 15 - The Weekend and Jeans

I survived the weekend...whew! It was actually a pretty ok weekend...a little stressful, but ok! My hardest night was Saturday night when I made pizza and cookies for the kids. I was fine until my husband sat right in front of me eating. Ugh. Oh well, I am going to have to learn to accept it and get over it.

I had to buy a new pair of jeans today. We have several events coming up this month, and the only pair of "going out" jeans I had were falling off of me. I bought a size 16. I think it's been about 2 or 3 years since I've bought that size!

Other than that...nothing new to report!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 11 - Weigh In and Cravings

Oops, sorry for being absent last night. My life is catching up to me and I'm a little stressed right now. I work too much.

Today was my second weigh-in. I was down another 6.5 pounds and 2.5 inches, making my total loss for less than two weeks 13.5 pounds and 5.5 inches. Can I get a whoop whoop??? My coach was very encouraging tonight, as I had a very bad day today. Basically I'm craving sugar. Anything sugar I could get my hands on. I wouldn't care what it was. I had to run to the convenience store this morning, and I admit I browsed the candy aisle. It was classic angel on one shoulder, demon on the other. Suffice it to say, the angel won and I walked out without candy. It's the small victories that matter sometimes. My coach was very encouraging, and told me to have an extra packet to keep cravings at bay, even if it meant I had 2 restricted packets in one day. I'm glad she told me that. I'll remember that next month when the sugar cravings hit again.

I didn't feel much like cooking tonight. Honestly, I was just plain lazy. I was playing WOW (if you don't know what that is, don't worry, it just means you're not a big nerd like I am) and didn't feel like getting off my duff. So, it was sandwiches all around, including me. I made bread out of my broccoli cheese soup packet, and it was FANTASTIC! As a soup, that stuff is nasty, but as a bread for some turkey, it's rather tasty! I could eat it plain, without turkey and mustard and all the veggies I put on it. I think I may have a new lunch item.

That's about all for now. I have 3 extra kids in my house this weekend. My two girls ages 6 and 2, and we are babysitting for some friends. They have 3 girls, ages 1, 3, and 5. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 9 - Not Much

Well, there really isn't a lot to report today. Same old, same old! It is definitely getting easier to be on this diet. Foods really don't bother me, unless I get too hungry, and then I want to cheat...but I haven't and I will not!

I tried the Walden Farms Creamy Bacon dressing today at lunch. Gross. I think I'll stick to olive oil and seasonings. That seems to be the best, especially with a little onion cut up in my lettuce. I have a weird palate sometimes. :)

I know I should stay off the scale, but it's hard. I haven't lost anything for 2 days. It does not bother me, because I know it's working and catching up from the big loss I just had. I am excited for weigh-in day, though! I will also get to measure inches, and I am very excited to see what those numbers look like.

I'm still fighting nausea throughout the day. I'm going to talk to my coach about it this week when I talk to her on Thursday. It had only been bothering me in the evenings after supper, but now it seems like it's more often. For example, today at work I got very nauseated around lunch time and had a hard time choking down my salad and pudding. I'm sure it will go away, but it's kind of annoying right now!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 8 - Week and Weekend

Day 8 is over, folks. It's getting easier by the day. Since today was my official one week "anniversary" of starting Ideal Protein, I decided to weigh. I'm down a total of 11 pounds! Woot!

This weekend was spent at my mom and dad's house, as previously mentioned. It was HARD. Not only was the food hard, but my grandma was there, and her comments and observations were HARDER. She asked me how the diet was going, and I told her I had lost 7 pounds so far. Instead of a congratulatory response, I heard..."Well, yeah, you've lost 7 pounds, but you have a long way to go. Then how are you going to keep it off?" That set the mood for the entire afternoon. I served soup for the family and tried to be normal and social, but my family was staring at me (or at least it felt like it). I sat in the other room with my daughter and my husband, but watching those two eat while I was starving was awful. I finally locked myself in the bedroom...and cried. For 20 minutes. Probably not the most mature thing to do, or the best way to handle the situation, but I didn't cheat, and that's all that matters to me. When I finally did eat, all I heard was negativity about the food I was eating. Suffice it to say, I was crabby and glad when everyone left. On a side note, I had the vegetable chili for supper that was delicious!

Sunday was a much better day. My husband and I took a mini road trip to get some Walden Farms dressings for me, and when we left, he did drive-thru at a local fast food joint. It did not bother me at all. Now that I'm home, it's all good, and I have restored confidence and motivation. I have to let what others say go in one ear and out the other. I know I can and will do this...but for the life of me, I can't understand why some people think this is such a bad thing, or that I will not succeed. Well...guess what naysayers....I WILL DO THIS!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 4 - Weigh In and Resturaunts

Day 4 is in the books. Another day closer to goal. Even though I just started the program on Monday, I had my first weigh in today so that I could get on schedule with my coach. I lost a total of 7 pounds and 5 inches. I have to say...I am so extremely proud of myself. Today I had a bad day at work. I was so stressed out when I left, and I drove past Dairy Queen. I was tempted. Very, very tempted. But....I drove on. I just had to tell myself....7 pounds....5 inches....over and over again. It's so stupid, and I felt ridiculous. I guess I'm an emotional eater after all...even though I never considered myself one before.

My oldest daughter K is on a precision dance team, and the team preformed at a basketball game this evening. proud of her. I actually had tears in my eyes watching her. She is so grown up. Anyway...afterwards, everyone was starving, and since it was our supper time, we decided to go out to eat. We went to a local steak house, so I felt like I had a good selection of foods that I could eat. I ate my salad plain...which was fine. I really, really wanted shrimp, but decided to ask how it is cooked. Turns out when they grill it, they use butter. Darn it. So, I had a steak. It wasn't bad at all, even without sauce...after I sent it back to have it cooked again. Last time I checked, a medium steak does not bleed. Ew.  I also had to pass on the steamed veggies...because they cook those in butter, too. But...I had green beans....and had to pick out the bacon, but they were very good. I'm proud of myself for watching my family eat bread, fries, and potatoes...and sticking to my guns. I did have to take a big whiff of the bread though. It smelled so good! 7 pounds....5 inches....7 pounds.....5 inches.  :)

This weekend we go to my mom and dad's house for the weekend, so I may not update. Thankfully, she is on the diet too, so we will have each other for support when the rest of the family is pigging out on yummy stuff. We've planned our meal, and she has lots of lettuce and veggies on hand.

If I don't update again before the weekend...I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! IP, baby! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 3 - Measurements and Food

Day 3 was sure a change! I had to FORCE myself to eat. I was not hungry at all today. Crazy change! If I have to force myself to eat over the course of the diet, I will definitely do well! :)

I noticed today on the way to get my daughter from school that I drive right by a Daylight Donuts. I didn't even know this town had one! Funny that I never noticed it when I could run in and get one....or two.

Even though I just started this diet on Monday, I have to weigh in tomorrow, and then Thursdays will be my normal weigh in days. Since I have to get up super duper early, I got measured tonight (hubby is doing it). If his measuring is correct (which we are both questioning) I've lost 5 inches. Oh well. I have an idea of what my weight will be in the morning. Let's just say I can't wait for my first weigh in. I'm actually excited to get on the scale. Yup, I said I'M EXCITED TO GET ON THE SCALE. Pick your jaws up off the floor people, I'm sure it won't last.

That is all.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2 - For Better or Worse

Today was better than yesterday in most ways, but was worse in a lot of ways. Let's deal with the negative first.

I had to go into the office today. It was hard. The food didn't bother me so much, it was that I couldn't chew gum. I ALWAYS have gum in my mouth when I'm at work. I need to check with my coach to see if there is anything she suggests. I also struggled with people today. I was in a great mood when I got there, and by the time I left I wanted to hurt someone. I can't tell if it's the diet, the hormones, or the fact that one of the people I work with really wants to see me fired. Either way, I'm crabby now and I have a headache, and I'm really missing my wine. I also got tired of defending myself and why I chose this diet. I heard the, "It's not healthy", "You're starving yourself", "You're going to gain it back", "You aren't fat enough to go to such extreme measures." I could list all the comments I had to this, but we'd be here all day. Of course, most of this was at lunch, but ultimately I walked away full, happy, and confident.....which I guess puts it into the positive category. All of the food I ate today sucked. I am definitely going to have to tweak it. I literally gagged down my morning drink. I talked to a gal at work who did the program, and she suggested adding Splenda. I really wanted to avoid sweeteners of any kind, but I guess if I can't stomach it, I'll have no choice.

Now on to the positive....

I was not NEAR as hungry today. I drank way over the required amount of water at work alone. I feel like I was literally peeing pounds off (which, I probably was). I swear, every time I went to the bathroom today, I felt thinner. I still enjoyed my salad. I really do like vegetables and lettuce. I don't see myself getting sick of them at all. That is a big positive since you have to eat so many on this program. All in all, I'm feeling more confident today than I was yesterday. I have no desire to cheat. I didn't even think of it one time. In fact, someone ate chicken fried rice in front of me today (mean!) and the only thing I thought can I make this IP friendly? I am pretty sure I'm close to ketosis already. I was freezing today, while everyone else was sweating. I kind of have a funky taste in my mouth. Could it soon? I think tonight I'll research some recipes and figure out some ways to make these packets seem like "real food".

Onward to day 3...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1 - Starvation, Hormones, and Soy Patties

Day 1 is almost done, and I would consider it a success. By some cruel twist of fate, I started my period today. I had no idea when it would come because I've been having some issues and had a D&C about 3 weeks ago. So...I'm having all these symptoms (fatigue, hunger, headaches) but I don't know if it's my body going into "shock" or if it's my period. Either way...I guess I'll say it's a good thing because I can't blame it on the diet! :)

I had chocolate drink this morning for breakfast. I was cold, so I put it in the microwave, and it tasted like hot chocolate....very tasty! I was definitely ready for lunch though. I had a wonderful salad with green peppers, cucumbers, and celery, and a couple pickles. I also made an IP soy patty. I don't know if I cooked it wrong, mixed it wrong, of if they are just nasty. The flavor was good (I used some garlic powder on it) but it was so GRAINY. I ended up crumbling into tiny pieces and mixing it with my salad, which made it tolerable, at the very least. It did fill me up, though. This afternoon the snacking bug hit hard, and I went ahead and had my evening snack. I had the IP Dill Pickle Zippers and they ROCKED! That satisfied me for the rest of the day. Supper is still cooking, but we're having chicken breast, broccoli, and I'll of course have my huge salad. I made my own dressing, and I used oil and vinegar with just a tiny bit of Italian seasoning. It is so good. I don't think I'll miss my Dorothy Lynch much! I can honestly say that right now, I'm the normal hungry for this time of day, which makes me feel better because this morning was HARD.

My hormones went nuts today. I had a couple emotional breakdowns where I really felt sorry for myself. I cried a little and thought about the kids' brownies in the kitchen. Instead of heading for the brownies, though, I re-read what I wrote last night. I've decided I have no reason to feel sorry for myself. I can do this. I will do this.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Skinny of A Fatty

My very first post on my blog about going from fat to skinny. Wow. I've done a lot of self reflecting over the weekend and thought a lot about how I've gone from normal to fat, and how it has affected me physically and emotionally. This blog is a big step for me...putting it all out there for anyone in cyberspace to find...but I think it is a necessary step, and just one more tool that will keep me accountable while I embark on this journey. So, to start, I'd like to just jot down some of the conclusions I've made about myself.

1. I eat out of boredom. I eat at night, when I'm the only one awake, and I have nothing better to do. Most of the time, I feel really crappy about myself the next day.

2. I've gained 11 pounds in 5 years. Not bad, really, considering that my eating habits could use some improvement. I do have poor eating habits. I will not make excuses for myself anymore. Generally, though, I don't eat BAD. I eat healthy meals most days, but my portions could use some attention. And then there is that whole boredom thing.....

3. My body has changed drastically since the birth of my 2nd child. The weight didn't come off as easy as it did with my first. In fact, it didn't come off at all....and even though I've only gained 11, I look and FEEL like I've gained 50.

4. I'm genetically predisposed to being fat. Yup, it's true. Sorry fam, but you know it. This is not a bad thing, but it is going to be a way for me to remind myself that I can't do what I want. I have to watch it more closely than others. It's not an excuse to be fat, it's an excuse to watch what goes in your mouth.

5. I have to be held accountable. If I'm not told what to eat and when to eat it, I'll cheat. I've been there a million times before, and it never works out. This time....I'm following a plan. It will work. I will learn how to eat right, and I will make it a lifestyle change. I'm tired of the yo-yo weights. I'm tired of dieting when no one else is. I'm tired of hiding and not being the person I feel like I should be because I am fat.

6. I don't make friends easily. I always say it's because I'm anti-social. Really, it's probably just another excuse. I don't make friends easily because I feel really crappy about myself, and I always swear people are judging me and talking about me...all because I have zero self confidence....because I'm a fatty.

7. I AM FAT AND I AM NOT HAPPY BEING FAT. This is a big one for me...hence the caps!

8. I want to be able to walk up a hill without being short of breath. I went to a football game a couple years ago, and while my husband and friends were gracefully trekking up hills to get to the stadium, I had to take breaks and COULD NOT BREATH. I was so embarrassed, yet I made excuses for myself. I think back about that day now and wonder why I waited so long to do something about it....

So, those are the major things. There are many more. MANY.....MANY.....MANY more. Maybe one day I'll get into them....maybe not. For now, I start the Ideal Protein diet TOMORROW. It will work. I will succeed....and look out everyone, because in approximately 8 months, I will be a skinny bitch. I will not look like this EVER AGAIN......