Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2 - For Better or Worse

Today was better than yesterday in most ways, but was worse in a lot of ways. Let's deal with the negative first.

I had to go into the office today. It was hard. The food didn't bother me so much, it was that I couldn't chew gum. I ALWAYS have gum in my mouth when I'm at work. I need to check with my coach to see if there is anything she suggests. I also struggled with people today. I was in a great mood when I got there, and by the time I left I wanted to hurt someone. I can't tell if it's the diet, the hormones, or the fact that one of the people I work with really wants to see me fired. Either way, I'm crabby now and I have a headache, and I'm really missing my wine. I also got tired of defending myself and why I chose this diet. I heard the, "It's not healthy", "You're starving yourself", "You're going to gain it back", "You aren't fat enough to go to such extreme measures." I could list all the comments I had to this, but we'd be here all day. Of course, most of this was at lunch, but ultimately I walked away full, happy, and confident.....which I guess puts it into the positive category. All of the food I ate today sucked. I am definitely going to have to tweak it. I literally gagged down my morning drink. I talked to a gal at work who did the program, and she suggested adding Splenda. I really wanted to avoid sweeteners of any kind, but I guess if I can't stomach it, I'll have no choice.

Now on to the positive....

I was not NEAR as hungry today. I drank way over the required amount of water at work alone. I feel like I was literally peeing pounds off (which, I probably was). I swear, every time I went to the bathroom today, I felt thinner. I still enjoyed my salad. I really do like vegetables and lettuce. I don't see myself getting sick of them at all. That is a big positive since you have to eat so many on this program. All in all, I'm feeling more confident today than I was yesterday. I have no desire to cheat. I didn't even think of it one time. In fact, someone ate chicken fried rice in front of me today (mean!) and the only thing I thought was....how can I make this IP friendly? I am pretty sure I'm close to ketosis already. I was freezing today, while everyone else was sweating. I kind of have a funky taste in my mouth. Could it be....so soon? I think tonight I'll research some recipes and figure out some ways to make these packets seem like "real food".

Onward to day 3...

1 comment:

  1. I found you from 3FC website. I read your posts and want to wish you luck on your journey. I can relate to pretty much every one of your reasons for starting IP. I've also been thinking about starting a blog. More for me than for my friends. I actually haven't really told my friends I'm even doing this. I've been on IP with my mom since Jan 5th. So I'm just starting out too. Anyway, hope to see big losses in your future!
