Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 8 - Week and Weekend

Day 8 is over, folks. It's getting easier by the day. Since today was my official one week "anniversary" of starting Ideal Protein, I decided to weigh. I'm down a total of 11 pounds! Woot!

This weekend was spent at my mom and dad's house, as previously mentioned. It was HARD. Not only was the food hard, but my grandma was there, and her comments and observations were HARDER. She asked me how the diet was going, and I told her I had lost 7 pounds so far. Instead of a congratulatory response, I heard..."Well, yeah, you've lost 7 pounds, but you have a long way to go. Then how are you going to keep it off?" That set the mood for the entire afternoon. I served soup for the family and tried to be normal and social, but my family was staring at me (or at least it felt like it). I sat in the other room with my daughter and my husband, but watching those two eat while I was starving was awful. I finally locked myself in the bedroom...and cried. For 20 minutes. Probably not the most mature thing to do, or the best way to handle the situation, but I didn't cheat, and that's all that matters to me. When I finally did eat, all I heard was negativity about the food I was eating. Suffice it to say, I was crabby and glad when everyone left. On a side note, I had the vegetable chili for supper that was delicious!

Sunday was a much better day. My husband and I took a mini road trip to get some Walden Farms dressings for me, and when we left, he did drive-thru at a local fast food joint. It did not bother me at all. Now that I'm home, it's all good, and I have restored confidence and motivation. I have to let what others say go in one ear and out the other. I know I can and will do this...but for the life of me, I can't understand why some people think this is such a bad thing, or that I will not succeed. Well...guess what naysayers....I WILL DO THIS!

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